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1. 熱帶氣旋警告

- 當香港天文台發出八號或以上烈風或暴風信號生效期間,本中心服務將會暫停。

- 當八號或以上烈風或暴風信號除下,本中心將於兩小時後的服務時間有限度恢復服務,並會為受影響的人士重新安排預約日期。


2. 黑色暴雨警告

- 於本中心服務時間前發出:本中心服務將會暫停。當黑色暴雨警告除下後,本中心將於兩小時後的服務時間有限度恢復服務,並會為受影響的人士重新安排預約日期。

- 於本中心服務時間內發出:本中心服務將會照常運作。請留意不同中心個別的服務時間,出門前宜先致電查詢服務情況,並在安全的情況下前往本中心或可考慮重新安排預約日期。

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Bad Weather Service Arrangement

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1.  Tropical Cyclone Signal 

– When Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is in force, our services will be suspended.

- Limited service will be resumed in two hours after the typhoon signal No. 8 is canceled. Affected appointment would be rescheduled once our services have been resumed.


2. Black Rainstorm Warning Signal

– If Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is hoisted before the commencement of service hours, our services will be suspended. Limited services will be resumed in 2 hours after the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is canceled. Affected appointments would be rescheduled once our services have been resumed.

- If Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is hosted within the service hours, our services will be as usual. Clients are advised to call us for the appointment/ service status before coming. Please visit our centers under safe conditions or consider reschedule appointments.

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