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+​ 到訪人士知 / For Patients and Visitors

由 2023年3月1日起,進入本中心人士無須強制佩帶口罩。


Starting from March 1, 2023, it is no longer a requirement to wear a mask when entering our centers. However, for better protection of everyone, we would encourage patients and visitors to wear masks. 

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


+​ 檢查須知


  • 檢查的一天不要在上半身或腋下塗上香水,爽身粉或止汗劑 。​​


  • 如長期服用抗凝血葯(薄血葯),請向主診醫生了解暫時停葯需要。否則檢查前無需作特別準備。只需於完成檢查當天避免粗重工作及劇烈運動。​​



  • 檢查前6小時不可進食,但可飲用清水。


盆腔 (經腹部)超聲波檢查

  • 檢查前半小時多喝水使膀胱充滿(急小便)。






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+​ Preparation for Examination

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For Mammogram and Tomosynthesis/Stereotactic Guided Breast Biopsy

    - Refrain from any topical application such as perfume, deodorant, lotion and baby powder in the armpit and upper body on the day of examination. 


For Ultrasound Guided Breast Biopsy

    - Please kindly discuss with your doctor if you are taking blood thinning drugs.  Otherwise, no special preparation needed.  Try to avoid heavy duty or exercise after examination.

For Ultrasound abdomen

    - Fasting for 6 hours before examination is necessary. You can still drink water.


For Transabdominal Pelvic Ultrasound Examination

    - Patient with full bladder is required.


Patient may take regular medications as usual.


Please bring along old films and reports at the time of examination.


Please notify our staff if you are pregnant, suspect you are pregnant or currently on in-vitro fertilisation treatment.

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