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+About Us

Hong Kong Women's Imaging is dedicated to enhancing the public awareness and understanding of women's health.  Through our professional service, we aim to promote the importance of regular breast screening, and to encourage people to aware of their own health as well as their families and friends. Breast cancer has become the number one leading cancer in Hong Kong.  It is known that early diagnosis and treatment of the disease can greatly increase the chance of survival.

Our medical team can provide one-stop service for our clients. When in need, diagnostic imaging and biopsy can be scheduled on the same day to speed up diagnosis and treatment as early as possible, which can ease the patient's and their families' anxiety.

Our centre has a LADIES-ONLY area specifically for ladies during their stay in our centre. Our professional team included female radiologists, mammographers, and sonographers to perform both diagnostic examinations and biopsy procedures for ladies.

In June 2019, we have invited Prof. Wendy B. DeMartini, Division Chief of Breast Imaging, Department of Radiology, Stanford University School of Medicine, and Immediate Past President of Society of Breast Imaging (SBI), to come to Hong Kong Women's Imaging for internal training and sharing. At the same time, we have also organized the "HKWI Breast Imaging Symposium 2019" as one of our 5th Anniversary events. All local radiologists, radiographers, surgeons, oncologist, gynaecologists, and medical professions are welcome to join for free! 


Special session for radiology trainees has also been organized!

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